Page name: Sisters United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-05-24 22:05:46
Last author: Kid Raven
Owner: Kid Raven
# of watchers: 10
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Hello and welcome to Sisters United

Was found and made by [Kid Raven] your big sister This wiki is for the young girls of elftown. For big sisters to look out for you all and are here to help you. To be lil sis must be under 18. If over 18 you will be a mid sis. The only way you can become a big sis is show us that you can take care of the lil or mid sis of elftown. All so a quiz will be given to you to take to all so help use with seeing if you can be a real big sis.


Sister Quizs Here

Sister quiz #1

Sister Quiz #2


Big Sister

Sister Raven

[Kid Raven]

Sister Leiara

[Khronos Atmosphaera]

Mid Sisters

[~*lil_kitsune*~]Sister Kitsune

[Nuktae-tal]Sister Nuktae-tal

[Light for the Darkness]Sister Kairi

Lil Sisters

[Amiantos Khronos]Sister Aya
[Sister Insomnia]Sister Aaralynn
[Vampire Akis]Sister Kat
[Demon Epona]Sister Epona
[*(.Randi.)*]Sister Randi

Mid Sis

Lil Sis

This is were all of the pics of the lil and mid sis are.

Username (or number or email):


[Kid Raven]: ?_? ok not going to ask

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: LOL! I danced on it.

[Kid Raven]:


[Kid Raven]:

















[Demon Epona]: Uh...

[Kid Raven]: lol

[*(.Randi.)*]: O.O

[Kid Raven]: lol

[Light for the Darkness]: O.O my mom and her boss were trying to hook me up with her boss' son and now me and his son are talking on myspace!!!!!!!!!!!!! -ish extremely happy-

[Kid Raven]: YAY ^_^

[Light for the Darkness]: lol YAY!!! thanksies!! I ish happy!!! lol

[Kid Raven]: [

Hey my dear sisters can you help your big sis by with one of my first contest the polls are open *YAY*

Go here B&W-Poll
[Thanx Alot Love you big sis Raven]

[*(.Randi.)*]: I did, too!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: I did too!

Ugh... can anyone see the picture of me and my bird on my page?

[Kid Raven]: ok thanx all yes i see it ^^

[Demon Epona]: I did! Uh, I'll go check.

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Hmm.... GRRRR!

[Demon Epona]: Yup, I can see it.

[*(.Randi.)*]: Yes I can see it! Very cute bird! Ooh! Yay! A new picture of your costume! Very nice, by the way.

[Demon Epona]: Here ya go Raven! Not good, but ok for now...


[Demon Epona]: It's from halloween, and it looks really messed up.

[*(.Randi.)*]: Eek! *hides from sword*

[Demon Epona]: *sheaths her sword* That's a shirt on my head!

[*(.Randi.)*]: *comes out from hiding* Hi! *waves*

[Light for the Darkness]: haha how are you? lol

[*(.Randi.)*]: I'm good, how're you?

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Oh my goodness, Epona-chaaaan! *glomps* Thats so cooool!

[Kid Raven]: lol ^_^ yay thanx ^^

[Light for the Darkness]: lol I'm good!!! lol

[Demon Epona]: *gets glomped* Thank you Tenshi-chan!!

[Kid Raven]: [

Hey sisters the wiki will be geting a make over YAY just leting you all know.


[Demon Epona]: Ok.

[Light for the Darkness]: lol yay!! lolkk

[*(.Randi.)*]: YAY!

[Vampire Akis]: A what?

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: A makeover! lol

[Kid Raven]: so how are all of the sis doing ?

[Kid Raven]: me to lol

[*(.Randi.)*]: Very nice!

[Light for the Darkness]: I gotta a major headache!! -hides my head in my arms-

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: I had one yesterday! It's starting to come back...

[Kid Raven]: opppppppsssssss

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: I stayed home sick from work today. It's the first time I've called of from work, and I've been there for 10 months.

[Kid Raven]: lol opppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppsssssssssss

[Kid Raven]: lol

[Light for the Darkness]: oooo gack!!! thats bad!!!

[Sister Insomnia]: I've been sick lately too....:(

[*(.Randi.)*]: I'm not sick! *dances*

[Kid Raven]: iam sick and my heart is lost T_T

[*(.Randi.)*]: Awww....What happeneD?

[Vampire Akis]: I WAS SICK YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Demon Epona]: O_O Whoa!!! Who did the remake of my photo? THAT LOOKS SO AWSOME!!!!!!

[Kid Raven]: i did lol sorry i love messing around with pic lol ^^

[Demon Epona]: Don't be sorry, it looks GREAT!!!! *huggles* I like it a lot better now, with the new background, than with my room in the background.

[Light for the Darkness]: ooooo I'll be back as soon as possible!!! my i-net got turned off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Kid Raven]: ok ^^

[*(.Randi.)*]: O.o

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: *walks into the room singing Sexyback* XD

[*(.Randi.)*]: <img:stuff/sing.gif>"You see these shackles, baby, I'm your slave! I'll let you whip-" Oh, sorry.<img:44166_1164144921.gif>

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: -Me if I misbehave!" XDD

[Kid Raven]: *walks out* O_o

[Vampire Akis]: o.O ?

[*(.Randi.)*]: "It's just that no one's every made me feel this way..."

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Take 'em to da chorus!
Come 'ere girl...
Go 'head be gone wit it!
Come to da back
Go 'head be gone wit it!
Go 'head be gone wit it!
Drinks on me...

[Vampire Akis]: lol

[*(.Randi.)*]: *laughs*

[Vampire Akis]: boo! ^^

[Light for the Darkness]: gack!!! back for a few!!!

[Kid Raven]: hi ^^

[Demon Epona]: Hello.

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Hi hi, Epona-chan and Raven-chan!

[Demon Epona]: Hello!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: *glomps Epona* XD

[Demon Epona]: YAY! *ish glomped*

[Demon Epona]: Whenever I write 'ish', I think of 'fish'!!!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Fish glomped! XDDD

[Demon Epona]: XD!!!

[*(.Randi.)*]: haha

[Vampire Akis]: nice Miss Love!

[Kid Raven]: ^_^

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Bye guys! I won't be in here any more!

[Kid Raven]: no it still be here just dont for get i do care about you all just being hurt by one sis

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: I'm not! I'm happy! I just forgot the password! Please take me off of here! Thanks!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Ooh, you changed what you first said to me. You told me to cry a river. Well, thats cool. If you really cared for me, you wouldn't have called me a bitch.

[Kid Raven]: well iam a bitch and we all are and iam not taking it back so what if i told you to cry a river. Now you have to bring in to a wiki

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: I didn't. I just told you to delete my stuff. And told you that I won't be in here. And you said that. Don't start. Bye!

[Demon Epona]: Raven, cussing helps no one. Just do what she says, and drop the subject at hand.

[Kid Raven]: what i never said that i sadi the wiki will no longer be here. and we really dont need other in this do we and i have all the rights to cuss. thats me ok

[Kid Raven]: I'm will not do what she say untill she see whats really going on. NOT not in a wiki people god

[Demon Epona]: If you'd like to prolong the matter, fine. Just don't go cussing at my friends. I don't get mad often, but when people hurt or mess with my friends, they get it from me. I'm NOT a good person when I'm mad.

[Kid Raven]: even am i and by the way sje hurt me and thats that she dose not see it and she never will and i been friend with her longer and you dont know the real her try liveing with her not the nice person she come off as

[Demon Epona]: I don't care if you don't think she's nice! I know she is, so BOO to you!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: You don't even live with me Raven. You act like you know me, but you hardly see me. So just stop. You started the fight, snd then say that I hurt you? HA! Thats funny.

[Demon Epona]: *growls*

[Demon Epona]: Not at you Tenshi-chan...

[Demon Epona]: Good.

[Light for the Darkness]: hi! I'm back for a little while!!! but I'm not sure how long though...

[Vampire Akis]: boo! ^^

[*(.Randi.)*]: Oh my gosh! What happened here?? It's like, KABLAAAAAM! Sisters gone! *sniffles*

[Vampire Akis]: gone? why gone? where gone? how gone?

[Kid Raven]: yeah she gone but i'm still here and just say it a long story and iam not going to talk about it because it between me and her..

[Vampire Akis]: okie then

[*(.Randi.)*]: *sighs* Well I hope she comes back...

[Light for the Darkness]: I'm only gone cause I dont have the i-net!!! sorry!!!

[Kid Raven]: it ok Hello every one

[Light for the Darkness]: kk I've got it again so I can be on more again!!! hello!!

[Kid Raven]: lol ok hi ^_^

[Vampire Akis]: Girls, can I change something on here? My name is not 'Akis'. I'm Kat. Katalina is my real name.

[Light for the Darkness]: lol hi! umm... that'd be fine with me?...

[Kid Raven]: ok that find with me

[Vampire Akis]: Thank you girls! ^^

[Light for the Darkness]: your welcome!

[Kid Raven]: ^_^

[Light for the Darkness]: so how are you?

[Vampire Akis]: me is good!!!! you? ^^

[Light for the Darkness]: thats good!!! I'm good thank you for asking!! ^-^

[Vampire Akis]: anything new?

[Light for the Darkness]: not much... I got my permit yesterday!!! but other than that, not much.... you?

[Vampire Akis]: notta notta notta... :'-(

[Light for the Darkness]: awwwww that sucks!!!!! I sorry!!!!

[Vampire Akis]: ^^ no prob

[Kid Raven]: Hello Sis ^_^ how are all of you ^_^

[Light for the Darkness]: hi!!! I'm alright!!!! cant complain too much!! how about you?

[Kid Raven]: Iam good ^_^

[Light for the Darkness]: thats good!!! I'm glad to hear that!!!

[Kid Raven]: ^_^

[Light for the Darkness]: ^-^ mesa feels soooo much better!!! lol

[Kid Raven]: ^-^ thats good

[Light for the Darkness]: ^-^ yea!! thank you!! hehe I'm glad!!! I was slipping too much!!!! into like, a sad depressing mood....

[Kid Raven]: well thats not good I hate being sad but I'am happy right now hang out with my friend haveing a good day WOOOOT Japnese guys are relly hot lol

[Light for the Darkness]: -laughs- yea I hate being sad too but I am glad that you are having fun!!!!

[Kid Raven]: ^_^ well g2g bye night have good dreams ^_^_^^__^_^^_^___^___^^_ (sorry got hyper there)

[Light for the Darkness]: lol kk talk to you later!! g'night!! you have good dreams too!!!

[Vampire Akis]: Guess what girls!

[*(.Randi.)*]: what?!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Guess what friend Raven was talking about hanging out with? ^.^;

[Light for the Darkness]: you!!! ^-^

[*(.Randi.)*]: Yes!! you!!

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: Yup! XD!

[Light for the Darkness]: hehehe!!!!

[Light for the Darkness]: ^-^ I ish happy today!!! well, I am now rather... lol

[Kid Raven]: ^_^

[Light for the Darkness]: ^-^ I've been pretty happy lately too!!!! somehow.... lol I've managed....

[Kid Raven]: yay me and alonso got our own place lol WOOT

[Light for the Darkness]: lol yay!!!!! congrats!!!! woot!!!!

[Kid Raven]: ^_^

[Light for the Darkness]: ^-^ so hows are you?

[Vampire Akis]: me is ill. How is Karasu?

[Light for the Darkness]: thats not good

[Kid Raven]: I'am ok i need some sleep thats all ^_^ Z_Z lol *hugs Akis* Felling better now ?_? also i might be geting a lil dog yay ^_^

[Khronos Atmosphaera]: A doggie? What kinda, Raven-chan?

[Kid Raven]: well I love a teacup or a pug but now all i care if its cute lol and is small but i have been looking all day and can not find one T_T

[Light for the Darkness]: awwwww I'm sorry!!! I have a really little dog!!!! when she was little, people thought she was a rat!!!

[Kid Raven]: (lol I want a rat to there cute lol ^_^)yay i got a dog she so CUTE ^_^ she a mix of a lab and ummm for get what eles T_T Alonso I'll ask him later lol and ways her name is Coca Cola or just Coca hopefuly when I get my computer I put pic of her up ^_^ oh and she 8 weeks old ^_^

[Light for the Darkness]: (ooooo I had a rat!!! she was really sweet and pretty!!! she liked my friend Willow's hair!! lol it was funny!!) awwww!!!! congrats!!!

[Kid Raven]: lol cute and thanx ^_^

[Light for the Darkness]: lol your welcome!!!!

[Kid Raven]: theres a pic of her on my home page ^_^

[Light for the Darkness]: awwwww I almost kept a dog that looked exactly like that!!! he died though.... :(

[Vampire Akis]: boo hoo hoo.... I'm so sad when animals die.

[Light for the Darkness]: I am too.... I guess he was sick when we found him.. he was hiding under my brothers car in the driveway.... and I guess he had parvo... then it made me sad cause when my brother came home he was carrying the puppy, then just sortof put him down in a droppingish sortof way and left the puppy just sitting there when he went downstairs..... it was really sad..... I felt bad for the puppy

[*(.Randi.)*]: My hamster died two weeks ago...I cried a lot. But today I got two new ones!! They're both girls, but I havn't named them yet.

[Light for the Darkness]: awwwww!!! but thats sad that your hamster died!!!! I dont know about hamsters but dont get mice and keep them in the same cage unless its a boy and a girl I think cause they fight eachother till the death....

[Vampire Akis]: name them Maria and Helena. and if they have a child, call it Marylena. ^^

[Light for the Darkness]: haha thats cool

[*(.Randi.)*]: Nonono. You have it backwards. The same gender should be in the same cage, not the opposite gender! ^^' And I named them Peeka and Bibble. The two names originated from Peeka-Boo, but I changed Boo to Bibble. XD

[Light for the Darkness]: lol did I get it wrong? oops. well I had two female mice and one ended up.... never mind... its too nasty and disturbing..... it was bad.... awww I like those names!!!

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